For the Children

June 1st is International Children’s Day, one more reason to celebrate the youngest among us and remember the world will soon be in their hands.


You are the children,
The world waits with interest,
Watching you grow,
Into what you will be.

Although young now,
Curious, interested,
And scared of the dark
Of war and violence,

You are the leaders of tomorrow,
And this confusing world,
You are expected
To make better.

We hold in our hands your destiny,
For you
We shall be better,
For you
We shall try harder.

You are the children,
We watch with interest,
For what you are,
What you will become,
The world of tomorrow will be.


Photo credit:   International Museum of Children:

14 responses to “For the Children

  1. Nice post, lovely poem. They are indeed the future. It’s actually a public holiday in Brazil today so no school, my little boy is having a long weekend :)

  2. We hold our breaths waiting, don’t we? Lovely. Truly.

  3. We have the whole world’s future at stake. You have expressed that so well in this wonderful poem and post. Well done, and thanks for visiting on the AtoZ Road Trip. Just after you commented, I posted my AtoZ RoadTrip post for this week. I’ll be adding your blog to my list of blogs I’ve visited. I hope you’ll come back for a tour of my hometown Oil Boom in Texas.

    Sue CollectInTexasGal~Today’s Post~
    AtoZ RoadTrip-My HomeTown’s MillionBarrel OilBoom

  4. OMGoodness that made me teary. I am so emotional this week over oldest granddaughter graduating high school and her sister graduating preschool.
    Beautiful poem!

  5. Beautiful, heartfelt poem. Children, so innocent and our destiny…

  6. Such a beautiful poem. My children are already “there” -adulthood. I worried so as they grew up, but they’ve done us proud. Yours will, too – have faith!

  7. Lovely poem! Childhood is such an enchanting time!

  8. i feel sorry for that poor elephant…all those kids climbing around on him…he probably just wanted some quiet time ;)

  9. Love this Silvia. I’m linking it on my Patch blog. I’ll let you know when it’s up.

  10. Excellent poem. And, so true. I am inspired by children and how open they are to the world around them.

  11. Love this poem :)

I welcome your thoughts.