Why Do We Blog, and Blogging from A to Z

Today, let’s talk about blogging, shall we?

Why do we blog? As a somewhat new blogger, I wonder now and then. Sure, I can imagine the multitude of reasons (reflections, sharing stories, it’s fun, promotion). 

The internet is a global community with some 70 million users (according to the media, which is not always accurate). So, maybe we want to be part of this community. Maybe it’s a fun self-given assignment. I like that. I like assignments and am a big believer in constant self-improvement. But any assignment ends at some point, a new one begins. A blog, if not maintained, is like a storyline that fizzled out.

Blogging takes energy, fresh ideas, a certain willingness to explore the good and not so good in the self  (or what’s the point?)

So, Why do we Blog is the question I’m asking at Blogging from A to Z today. Come take a look, and let’s talk.


Image courtesy: file, from theedublogger.com

18 responses to “Why Do We Blog, and Blogging from A to Z

  1. Thanks Sylvia, I saw the A–Z post earlier than this one and left a comment there. Great post it is too!

  2. Great question to ponder. I’ll be teaching a class on blogging basics next week. That is my first question to the students. Why do you want to start a blog?

  3. I popped on over and read your post on A to Z, it was good,like always,and I rambled(as usual) a response over there. I enjoy blogging because I like to spew my thoughts and I have met some wonderful bloggers,a win-win for me :)

  4. Excellent question, Sylvia. I started blogging for several reasons, even though I am not the most constant blogger. Initially, I saw it as a way to get my stories out and publicize my published short stories and now the book. But I love getting comments and meeting people through blogging – when you are retired your world shrinks a little. And I had an amazingly social life through my work. Hope to pick up some more readers with next year’s A-Z challenge. You are my model for a good blogger, lady!

  5. Blogging can be difficult trying to come up with fresh ideas for posts. But I enjoy being out there as part of the writing community!

  6. Hi Silvia .. I’ve been over – and I love the company of fellow bloggers and their support – and I’ve found I can write … and I love learning ..

    Lots to do in the future .. cheers Hilary

  7. I blog for the same reason other people exercise … it’s good for my writing muscles.

  8. That’s really an excellent question :)
    Primary reason is to hone my writing skills…Next to get connected with all the wonderful bloggers around and interact with them..

  9. i love the community, the friendship and the support that I have found. It’s is an unexpected bonus and one of the things that keeps me writing on my blog.

  10. I do think that a blogger needs a reason to blog … otherwise, where does the motivation come from to write a new post? I think having a reason also provides a direction for the topics of the posts.

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